kickstarter, Our Broken Plate, Skip a meal and your body will begin to hold onto fat. We should eat frequently to keep our metabolism up (ugh-I said this all the time). The most important meal of the day is breakfast. I’m not getting all sciency today. I will ramble a bit.  We’ll talk at a much higher level. There’s been a lot of reductionism in nutrition and metabolism and it is spreading fast. While the internet has provided unprecedented access to information, it’s also allowed a lot of science babble to infiltrate every subject and diet has to be the gold medal champion. Everyone eats so we all must be experts.

I hear of quantum physics and love from people that don’t know the schrodinger equation or a microcanonical ensemble exist. Their “frequencies resonate.”   It’s widespread co-opting of science terminology to make things sound more well thought out and factual than they really are. In science, we celebrate the unknown. We don’t know how to define the emotional and it’s handled in the soft sciences.  They see trends, but science looks for fundamental rules that govern how things work. 2 + 2 = 4 is a mathematical relationship and as amazing as may sound, it’s true whether here or on voyager spacecraft that’s left our solar system.  If you have two marbles and your travel mate has 2 and  put them in a bowl  there will be 4. We have other scales and mathematical tricks that can make this equation an inequality, but in normal counting, it’s true and can be verified.

In 1996 Carl Sagan wrote a fantastic book, Demon-Haunted World. In it he warned (foreshadowed) a reality of the future:

” I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness…

The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.”

He went on to say,

“We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.”

While that sounds all a bit cynical, I really am using it to give us a nudge. We need to be skeptical, but sifting and sorting through the blogs, diet books, media, and social discussions is a daunting task for even the best educated. There’s a saying that a specialist knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing. Conversely, a generalist knows less and less about more and more until they know nothing about everything. We all fit this to a degree in some aspect of our lives.  Clearly the internet and media echo chamber has spoken on starvation mode and it’s doom and gloom if you don’t eat.

A Closer Look

Here is one example quote I found with a Google search that is quite interesting:

“Quite simply, your body goes into ‘starvation mode’. This mechanism, which is thought to have evolved as a defence against starvation, means the body becomes super efficient at making the most of the calories it does get from food and drink. The main way it does this is to protect its fat stores and instead use lean tissue or muscle to provide it with some of the calories it needs to keep functioning. This directly leads to a loss of muscle, which in turn lowers metabolic rate so that the body needs fewer calories to keep ticking over and weight loss slows down. Of course, this is the perfect solution if you’re in a famine situation. But if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s going to do little to help you shift those unwanted pounds.”

Let’s talk about basics. Fat is a storage organ. It is there for times of famine. The body constantly taps into this storage organ when we enter the fasted state (~4-6 hours after a meal). So here is what they are saying, in a nutshell – if you don’t eat the body holds onto the back up reserves.  That’s backwards thinking.  Further, it’s posited that the body will instead use lean tissue (from muscle/organs) and accelerate that loss – all to preserve our fat storage organ.

Reflect on that for a minute.

Why would the body hold onto this precious fat storage and instead cannibalize our vital organs and muscle tissue, because of food scarcity? How might that helped the evolutionary process? Seems to me that those who digested their heart or leg muscles before using fat reserves when there wasn’t any food wouldn’t have jumped into the gene pool with all the vigor as those of us that actually lived on our storage organ. Don’t you think? I’m imagining the number of people it took to build the pyramid stopping 3-6 times a day for a quick pick-me-up. Don’t you think they tossed them some water and said, “keep chiseling! pull the rope” and perhaps they ate some bread etc… a little later?

Now, the body absolutely has some adaptive changes to accommodate food reduction. There are metabolic shifts and changes in how we use fuel.  I learned last year that even after 30 days of a VLCD followed by a medically supervised 14 distilled water fast I wasn’t deficient in anything.  I don’t want to cloud the discussion with ketosis, fat adaption, etc… as it’s all somewhat tangential to the main point. Let’s for a minute put aside the debate over metabolism havoc. Let’s acknowledge we can’t explain everything and yet our bodies managed to get you right here staring at a screen from a single cell without help and perhaps in spite of what we swallowed. It’s remarkable.

When in the fasted state we use reserves. That’s why they are there. Fat and glycogen are long and short term (respectively) storage organs. You’ll be fine on the 4 hour flight without peanuts.

Magic Meals

Last year when I was coming home from the self-experiment, my daughter and I decided to stop in Vegas and visit with Penn & Teller.  I have known them for over 20 years and we hung out after the show. I’ll leave the bigger story for Penn to tell in his spring 2016 book, but he called me later and asked for help. Maybe you’ve seen the news by now, but essentially he lost a little over 100 lbs, most of it in a three month period we worked together. He’s off 8 BP meds and in fact his medication is down to almost nothing now. You can listen to us discuss this on his Penn’s Sunday School podcast here or download it on iTunes.

He’s looking and feeling great. While the media likes to toss around “1000 kcal/day” diet (or gastric bypass), he has no idea how many calories were consumed. I don’t either and as I will be explaining there are much better ways to think about food energy conservation that are not only predictable, but also repeatable.  Then there is the echo chamber – read this article and imagine that this otherwise well-educated physician makes all these WRONG diagnoses based on information in People Magazine. What physician or scientist uses People Magazine as a primary source and then does an analysis? This is how the echo chamber works.  I’d challenge his notion that nutrients are somehow deficient because he was at a caloric deficit. I wonder how Dr Ayoob would explain the successful results of this 382 day water fast (and btw, he didn’t gain it back)?

Speaking of Fast…

Today happens to be the 5 year anniversary of my TEDMED talk that slipped me into this entire world of food. I had no idea this was coming and if it hadn’t been for Tim Ferriss urging, I wouldn’t even have a website. I didn’t do this for a business. It was an intellectual curiosity.  My friend Tim Jenison had an amazing project I helped on back in 2009 that became the inspiration for my research. If you haven’t seen Tim’s Vermeer, it is a REALLY great documentary.

I was staying with him and beside the bed on a shelf were stacks of history and art books about Vermeer. Tim, as you will see, was obsessed with how this artist did these incredible paintings. Vermeer captured on canvas that which the eye can’t see.  The movie tells the rest of the story and I have my tiny appearance with our 2am decision to start building walls for the room – look for the forklifts scene. After The 4 Hour Body came out there was a little backlash about the veracity of my work. Keep in mind, I did the cold stress work, because I was desperate to lose weight. It wasn’t a research project, but I did jot down notes as it’s habits for me.  That was the seed that went into 4HB and you can read the rest elsewhere on this blog.

What puzzled me was still the Calorie and the apparent contradictions. I wasn’t buying the Good/Bad or even the “high fat/low carb” (or any variation thereof) dogma.  I wanted to understand it.  Well, I did as my budget would allow to dig into this project like Tim.  Having a midlife crisis calorimeter in a lab adjacent to the kitchen is a great way to test anything you want about food.  I learned a lot and especially that most of the older studies were easy to reproduce. I don’t think they are wrong, but I believe a lot of things we repeat, that  I repeated, aren’t correct. You all know very well by now that I don’t think “protein, carbohydrate, or fat” serve us anymore as food groups/categories.  We need a new paradigm.

FullSizeRender-1Today is day 16 of a medically supervised 21 day water fast for my book.  I feel fine and perfectly normal (as normal as I get). Hanging out with new and old friends here, reviewing 5 years of research and writing.  I may have to go out to 24 days depending on how some tests turn out at the end (more in future blog or book). As I mentioned, I wasn’t deficient in anything last time at day 14 and I performed a midpoint blood panel (~$1500 each) to see how well that tracks my last fast. Of course I will do a blood panel at the end.

This time I am focused on “muscle loss” particularly urinary nitrogen. As we learned in Passing the Protein (part 1, part 2), urea is the metabolite of amino acid metabolism and so one can track loss by collecting 24 hour urine samples. We need the indispensable amino acids (~9 of 20 depending how one counts them – not 2 +2), the rest we make. It’s been 2 weeks of drinking water and peeing in a jug.  This will supplement the dexa results from last year and give a more complete picture. If all else fails, I guess it’s training for the reality show, Naked and Afraid.

Take a look at my results above and what you’ll see, like last year, my metabolism is fine. It’s not crashed, but scaled with my mass and my fat burn is through the roof.  Yes, as evolved, our body actually uses our fat STORAGE organ in times of no food. That’s not a difficult concept, but wow, is there a lot of confusion. I want to try to nudge this. I’d like to change the dialog.

Cool not Cold

I don’t want to sound opportunistic, but you may have read about the recent tragic death in a Las Vegas cryotherapy spa. It is a horrible loss to her family and they have my condolences. This is probably an isolated incident, but nonetheless it’s an opportunity for me to reiterate my position. As anyone that follows this blog for a while knows, I am an advocate of mild cold stress not extreme.  One does not need to go to extremes to get the benefits of cold therapy.  If you are new to the blog, use the tags at the side and you’ll be able to navigate to the many posts that discuss this.  Mild cold stress begins in water temperatures below 80F (26C) and air temperatures below 60F (15.5C).  There is no reason to go below 60F(15.5C) water or 32F (0C) air.  Generally speaking one can get all the benefit they need from just a 10 degrees or so on the thermostat or to carry layers and use as needed.

Ideal temperatures are 75F (24C) water and 55F (13C) air.  These are the most comfortable and are likely plenty to get the beneficial impacts.  Remember the “reverse ski layering” strategy – take them along and wear as needed instead of leaving the house bundled and losing layers throughout the day.  A quick walk from the office parking lot to the front door won’t likely result in hypothermia. It’s fall in the northern hemisphere and we are naturally adapting to the cooler temperatures. The photoperiod is also getting shorter.  These are all biological cues that signal winter is coming (wow has that phrase changed meaning in 5 years). As we explain in the Metabolic Winter Hypothesis, the combination of sleep, dietary restriction and mild cold stress may have a synergistic effect with activation of the sirtuin genes – those that we have shown in animal models to increase healthspan/lifespan. Contrast showers can aid in this adaptation process and it’s helpful in sleep.

As well my close friend, Wim Hof, has been on many blogs lately and I don’t want this to sound contradictory to what Wim teaches. His main message is what our body is capable of doing with training and that he’s not a unique superhuman (I’m still impressed). In fact, when I visited him a few years ago in Amsterdam, he noticed one day that he wore a jacket on our walks to the grocery store and I had a t-shirt and gloves. In his warm laugh and great accent he said, “look at that. The iceman has a coat and you are in a t-shirt.” We opened the windows that evening and slept amazing. He was grateful for reminding him that he’d been locked up in the apartment.  Wim is pushing science to go past the handed down dogma on extremes and human limits and he’s doing amazing work with the autonomic immune system.  I don’t want this to be misunderstood.

Kickstarter- Our Broken Plate

our broken plateIn the next week I will be launching a kickstarter campaign for my book, Our Broken Plate (update: Campaign went live on November 1st and closes on December 13th). I’ve had a lot of requests over the years to write one and so it is now a “done deal.”  I’ve had some discussions with publishers, but feel that I can be more true to my message if I at least write it first as a cohesive story. Honestly, they all want me to write a diet book and that may be way more successful, but I don’t want to write a diet book.  My goal was to examine how our social relationship with food changed over the last two centuries.  It’s been fascinating to  pile my own shelves full of old books and especially be emerged in the the 19th century when all the fun happens. By 1920s we are on a trajectory to where we find ourselves today. It’s surprising that many scientists predicted, and even warned about this situation.

There are no villains. It’s not an evil government conspiracy as many of the recent books have put forth. There’s no greedy corporate America that is just trying to kill us all with genetically modified food.  We don’t discuss big pharma or  big farms. It’s not a “fat vs carb” or eat meat/don’t eat meat story.  It’s not a textbook as we’ve already made food way too complicated. The book is more of a history-mystery with my self-experiments juxtaposed on some of the great science on metabolism and nutrition. I’m going to stretch it a bit in places with new explanations for old data.  I find it ironic that many of the players of the late 19th century would be perfectly comfortable, and to some extent know more, in a discussion today about metabolism then as it plays out in the blogosphere. We’ve forgotten so much and this valuable data is lying fallow on university bookshelves and used book stores around the world. I’ve collected some of the best and for me holding that 170-200 year old book in my hands and reading it is incredible. I don’t think we are all broken as is so widely claimed. To me it’s our relationship with food that’s broken.

I plan to finish the book in the coming months and hope to have it published by April 2016. We’ll have a crowd-sourced cover design and many other activities. I’ve learned so much from the people here and on the various Facebook groups. The questions have been fantastic.  Having worked now with over 100 people one on one has been a real eye opener. If there are any subjects that you’d like to see covered (the book is pretty far along at this point) please comment below.  I may not be following up as closely as normal as there’s lots of testing to do and I have my kickstarter campaign staring me in the face.

I appreciate your support and thank you for hanging in here even when there were extended times I had nothing to say. Perhaps this research project will make up for it.

In addition to the kickstarter (there are a couple of high end rewards, but most are books)  I’d like to immediately raise $5,000 to help defer the costs of the testing and travel associated with this test and as a jump start to the writing project. I appreciate your support! You can use this link or the one above near the goal donation meter.

Hypothermics Donation

As always I am grateful to all of the regular donors, emails, FaceBook friends, and  commenters for allowing me to pursue this passionately for the last 6 years.  It’s been such an unexpected adventure and there’s much more work to get done.   I’m going to get back to my water now.

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98 Responses to Starvation Mode

  1. andy stenz says:

    Looking forward to backing the kickstarter! So very exciting every time I hear an update on PSS!

    • admin says:

      Thanks Andy!

      Penn and I have had a lot of fun the last year even though it was a very serious time for him. He feels great and I’m grateful he will be around for a while. I just want to impact 10,000 lives. The rest is gravy…or should I say, berries, cocoa powder and cayenne pepper?


      • Helen says:

        I’m going to see my doctor next week. I want to take your advice and check with him, but what do I tell him without sounding crazy? I’m not even sure how to explain mono-food for several weeks. Do I just say I’m going vegan? I am considering eating plain potatoes for this next week, just to see how things go. I’d like to get on board with this life-style change. My doctor told me I should lose a hundred pounds. I think he’s crazy. I think I should lose seventy pounds.

        Almost done reading Penn’s book. It inspired me to stop thinking and start doing. Waiting anxiously for your book from Kickstarter sign-up.

        Would really appreciate an answer to what to tell my doctor.

      • admin says:

        You don’t. You do eat to live (or end of dieting) and just do it by the book. The potatoes are really unnecessary outside of the context of what I do.

        Just follow those books. Take either with you. If he asks about “protein” then you might want to see another doc 🙂


  2. charles grashow says:

    Is there a link to your blood test?

  3. Brian Beaven says:

    Thanks Ray. I’m looking forward to getting your book.

    • admin says:

      Thanks for all your support over the years Brian! I hope the launch goes well. It’s always a nervous time. Going to make a ruckus like Seth Godin always teaches.


  4. Chris Forbis says:

    Great update and great news! Can’t wait for the book – I’ll definitely jump on the KickStarter as soon as you launch. Thanks for everything.

  5. wayne fearn says:

    Thanks for the update Ray. I look forward to seeing the kickstarter going live asap. I am really thankful that the work you do is for ‘normal’ people, not athletes or Olympians. This is of huge benefit and a return to a better understanding of how (and when) to fuel our bodies appropriately with food.

    Along with this book I hope to help my family and friends understand what they are doing now (and how that is detrimental to them) and what they, perhaps, should be doing to get back to normal function without chronic over nutrition.

    Its taken me almost 4 years to have the confidence (and a little knowledge) to manage my storage organ and realise food is just a source or energy for life.

    • admin says:

      Thank you Wayne!

      It’s been great getting to know you and I think you are headed in the right direction. We are all guessing at some point – no one has all the answers. Let’s hope we have more right than wrong!



    Hi Ray. Great update, I understood every word 🙂
    I know your book won’t be a recipe book, but is it too late to have a small section of say a standard week of what’s on your plate. Sorry, but I’m not one of your brightest followers and would find it useful.
    I like the fact that the guy that freezes his retina whist swimming under ice wears a coat whilst you wear a Tee.
    All the best mate, and thanks for all time you’ve taken answering my questions on Facebook. So looking forward to the book!

    • admin says:

      Thanks David!

      I won’t get into diet specifics too much in book to avoid it cascading into the mindless debate. I do have another project that will deliver exactly what you’re looking for. Stay tuned


  7. Chris Campbell says:

    Thanks Ray! Really looking forward to the book. A question for you regarding food intake-in the 4HB, Tim makes it pretty clear that he believes that not all calories are created equal. Consuming 500 calories in pure sugar will result in a much different insulin response than 500 calories of chicken, and thus the effect on fat storage is different. He also makes the extreme example that a log of wood contains a high amount of calories, but consuming wood will not necessarily lead to fat gain (though likely a trip to the bathroom). Your blog posts lead me to believe that you see it differently-a calorie is a calorie. Any insight to reconcile these points of view?


    • admin says:

      I don’t think this is an insulin problem at all. Our next paper is going to throw a monkey wrench in a lot of this stuff. There’s another, much more simple explanation that explains why ALL diets work/fail. Your example of wood (also a “carb” – hate that word) has nothing to do with it, nor is it applicable. We simply don’t have the enzyme to break down the 1-4 β-glycosidic bond – beyond that wood is made of glucose just like cotton. Great food for termites and moths who both have the correct enzyme.

      I can tell you that if I cook something in my kitchen, I get the same results as Atwater (with a LOT less effort). To dismiss all of this past mounds of data is exactly what the high-fat crowd does. A problem I understand, but it’s simply not worth the time to go into it or the debate with many (even researchers and physicians) that haven’t considered the body of literature. More echo chamber.

      As for calorie “paradox” (bad accounting) our paper will address part of it and part of it will be in the book.

      All GREAT points.


  8. Jules Lalonde says:

    Thanks for the update and the research Ray!

    Very much looking forward to the book and you can count on my help with the campaign or anything else you might need.

    All the Best!

  9. Erik Myer says:


    This article is amazing and it is great to see what you are doing. I’m looking forward to the book and your kickstarter campaign. As an elementary pe teacher I’m trying to see how I can use what you are unveiling to bring into the classroom. Through social media I’ve been able to connect with great PE teachers who are making a difference in kids lives. Unfortunately many of my colleagues are caught up in the my plate nutrition plan and misconceptions about food and even mild cold stress. I go to work in shorts and a polo top and people are amazed that I don’t freeze to death in the fall and winter.

    Thanks for all you do! Do you have any upcoming podcast discussions with Tim Ferriss?


    • admin says:

      I haven’t talked to him yet about it, but will – he’s out of pocket right now. Have another big blog coming to record one next week. I’ll let you know when that is slated to go up. I’ll be able to use all the social media push I can with this Kickstarter campaign.



  10. RF Rich Frissen says:

    Ray, I will always be in your debt in pointing out patiently on the Facebook group “the perhaps” misguided thinking of virtually all the “guru’s” on the web. The members that stayed with it have all seen results and changed their relationships with food.

    Your ability to go back to basics is a lesson for us all.

    The brilliance is in its simplicity…

  11. Kevin Fitzgerald says:

    I am thrilled to hear about the book. I am fully on board for the kick starter campaign. Good luck!
    I do hope that all you’ve done with Penn and the whole Sunday School team gets better explained (haven’t listened to your episode yet). Oddly from everything I could get it seemed they basically did a steamed veggie fast and no cold therapy at all.
    Last I heard the PSS team was considering a potato only fast.
    Much confusion. Must learn more.
    Thanks Ray.

  12. Robert McAdams says:

    I would love to see you do a gut biome analysis before and after the fast, and possibly a butyrate analysis.

  13. Cristina Currier says:

    In a nut shell, would we be able to find all the steps (nutrition, cold stress sessions, etc) you teach to your clients to achieve the same results like you? Many of us are desperate to loose fat like you were when you first started. Even though I’m looking forward to read the science behind it as I find it fascinating, ultimately I would like to make sure we’ll get as well the information we need to achieve the results we are seeking. Thank you for sharing.

    • admin says:

      We’re working on that too. I’ll likely write an appendix with some insight on what I do, but I don’t want that to bias the book. Our dialog about food needs to change.

      Kickstarter campaign launching soon. Some rewards levels with me coaching are tiger even though I’m extracting myself from coaching shortly to work on my research.



    • admin says:

      Stop reading diet blogs.

      End of Dieting – Joel Fuhrman.

      Order the book. There aren’t any hacks or tricks. You don’t need potatoes. Mild cold stress is optional and contrast showers are discussed on nearly every podcast I’ve appeared and elsewhere in the blog.

      If you are desperate you’ll follow it 100% not 99.9% or most of the time. Your birthday won’t be an excuse, nor will the retirement party at the office.

      Stick with it, no matter what, for 6 months and if you see no change then I’ll be very surprised.

      All my clients (paid) use the concepts in eat to live. We spend hours with the social issues that plague our society of one continuous meal that takes breaks to sleep and work. It’s a lot of work.

      There’s no shortcut. You can’t do something for a while and “this time” watch what you eat after hitting ideal weight. Penn changed his lifestyle. I did too. You can as well, but it’s a choice.



      • Cristina Currier says:

        I literally just bought the book. I was at the book store when I read your comment. Ray you’re awesome! Thank you so much!

      • admin says:

        Thank you too!!!

      • Beth Mazur says:

        Love the “one continuous meal” with work and sleep breaks idea. It reminds me a little of Allen Carr’s metaphor of the pitcher plant wrt addiction (insects can get in easily to get the desirable sweet nectar, but once there, cannot get themselves out). Our Western food culture has quite a lot of the same kind of slippery slope attributes.

      • admin says:

        Ha! You’re correct! Obsessed with food.

    • orca quint says:

      Lose the fat, don’t “loose” it, Cynthia. That sounds gross.

  14. ron alpert says:

    I was listening to Tim Ferriss and Dom ( ) about fasting, cold showers, etc. Most of the ketonic information is no longer of any interest to me. But I did wonder if you were measuring your ketosis levels during your 21 day fast?

    • admin says:

      Checked it throughout. 4++++ most of the time. It’s really irrelevant to me. I see where the mistakes are being made and I just bite my tongue.



  15. Carlos Welch says:

    Donated to the website again and now to the Kickstarter as well. You da man Ray.

  16. Maciej Kulhawik says:

    Hello Ray!
    Sorry I am writing this in a comment, but I didn’t know how to e mail you. Making long story short, I am 24, I am from Poland and I am big PSS fan. I absolutely love what you did with Penn Michael and Matt and I loved your episode so much that I wanted to read a little bit about this diet thing. I need to point out what is the most important in this case that I am very skinny:P Three months ago I weighted about 71 kg but I have been travelling recently and I wasn’t eating well enough that my weight drop to 64 kg right now. I looke basically like pencil although I have been excercising whole my life and I have been lifting some weights and stuff.
    But the thing is I am totally confused about this whole diet thing and of course I want to eat as healthy as possible, but when I told my parents I am considering eating only plants basically they laughed at me and of course they said where will you get your protein and energy from. I was boiling inside, because I know whole argument about this but I am not Christopher Hitchens to debate with my medieval parents. I read one recommended book of Colin Campbell about this china study and all of the connections between diseases and I really don’t know what to think about all of this. Do you think its reliable source of information? I guess he was talking kind of sort of similar to you so that’s the only reason I kept on reading. And I would love to understand it a little bit so I do not hurt myself.
    I would like to eat healthy, feel well, excercise on the gym, and put some weight to feel more comfortable. oh I am 183 cm high and 64 kg which is not a lot:P
    As I noticed you hate question what should I eat so I will not ask it.
    But I would really would love to know what should I eat to healthily put on weight? Should I not eat meat? Or should I eat meat? Should I eat animal products and eggs and stuff or maybe I should not? There is a lot of talking how to loss weight but I would love to eat what you consider healthy and PUT on weight. Can you recommend me a book on this subject or your studies about it? Of course is you recommend I can go to dietician of some sort but after listening what you say and after reading what they write I doubt if they know what they are talking about.
    First and foremost I don’t want to harm myself and when I am reading that eating meat can cause cancer and whole bunch of diseases that I didn’t even know they existed, I want to quit eat improperly immediately but when I don’t know anything about the subject and I don’t know how to eat healthy and properly then In my mind and in mind of my parents I am left only with bread and tomato to eat:P which is obviously not true but I have no Idea how to do it correctly.
    I am so confused with the subject that I don’t even know if my message makes sense. I hope you will understand what I feel.

    Thank you very much for making whole PSS crew alive:P

    Lots of love from Poland Ray!

    Maciej Kulhawik

  17. Christina Karlhoff says:

    Hello. You’re definitely onto something for sure! Have you checked out “The Pleasure Trap” by Dr. Doug Lisle and Dr. Alan Goldhamer? Their fasting research will most likely be of interest to you. Dr.Goldhamer is co-founder of a Fasting facility in Santa Rosa California – they’ve been doing it for over 30 years now (since 1984). I look forward to more posts from you about your fasting experience. Enjoy the ride 🙂

    • admin says:

      Thanks Christina

      Yes… I am at TNH now. That’s where all of my fasting occurred. Was in a lecture with Doug Lisle yesterday and they’ve sponsored some of my work. Giving a presentation to the staff tomorrow on my results from this year and last year. you’ll see more in the book.



      • Christina Karlhoff says:

        Excellent ! I’ve been thinking about making the trip to TNH for a 10-day fast myself! I’m sure your book is going to be great!
        Read ya later…

      • admin says:

        Get over here!

        🙂 thank you!

      • Christina Karlhoff says:

        LoL Ray! By crazy twist of fate i’m travelling West next week…flying to CA on Mon, leaving for Asia on Wed. Even though it’s only 2 days – How about them apples – I get to go visit TNH! Who knew… i am excited 🙂

        I have a question that i hope can be fielded by someone on this blogroll: I’m down to 155 from 180. Around 20 pounds to go, and fat loss has stopped. I must be overlooking something because i can’t seem to lose any more. Maybe i am not eating the right stuff at the right time…? If i add modest exercise so that i am moving more – like taking a 20 min walk or 30 min of Wii Fit – will the fat reduction needle begin to move again?

      • admin says:

        Exercise burns glycogen not fat. It’s always the food. Eat too much, too often, too calorie dense. I assure you that you’ll lose fat if you drink nothing but water. There are no plateaus. You’ve simply stumbled onto the reality that humans don’t need much to maintain and can eat much more and not gain. It’s a wide window that most don’t exit. I’ll cover this more in our next paper and Our Broken Plate.

        Thanks for writing! Have a great time at TNH.


    • Christina Karlhoff says:

      Wow. Not much at all…it has to be, huh. Okay then – i will cut out even more food; have it once per day within a 4-hr window. Thank you for the note! Stay cool Ray 😉

      • orca quint says:

        It’s been 7 months.
        How much weight did you lose?
        Are you back to regular exercise to maintain strength and endurance?

  18. Antony Buisson says:

    Hi Ray. Thanks so much for the work you have done and the knowledge you have imparted. I have been following for a couple of years and have shifted around 15kg (103 down to 87kg). I felt so happy to have the keys to be able to effectively lose fat.

    I have a question about cold showers. How efficacious are they compared to immersion? Are the temperatures the same (below 26 degrees and ideally 24)?


  19. Carlos Welch says:

    Have any of your fought or know of someone who’s fought cancer? A friend of mine is going through it right now. She just started chemo and I am helping her figure out what she should eat. I when to this page at the American Cancer Society and thought this must be a joke.

    I absolutely cannot believe that the ACS recommends “protein” so often as well as other cancer causing processed foods.

    I learned about the guy from who cured himself with an Eat To Live like diet and I am sending the website to her. I doubt it will help though since the doctors whose jobs require that people get and keep cancer definitely know better than I do, and probably better than the guy who just ate right to cure his cancer and is doing fine after 9 years.

    Man, this cancer experience is really showing me how deep the rabbit hole goes. Ray helped me a few years ago, but I’ve been off and on because weight was more of a vanity issue in my addictive mind. Studying cancer treatments to help my friend has driven home the fact that the Calorie Rich And Processed (CRAP) food we eat isn’t just celebrating or enjoying a night out with friends. It’s a slow form of suicide from which a lot of people make a lot of money.

    Looking at it that way helps me to understand why ACS recommends lots of cancer causing stuff for people in treatment. I’m so thankful for those like Ray and Dr. Fuhrman who say, just eat the fruit and veggies that help your body lose weight as well as kill the cancer. Now that I understand the gravity of this is more than about fitting into old clothes, I can never go back. Just like CRAP, most cancer is optional.

  20. Carlos Welch says:

    Have any of your fought or know of someone who’s fought cancer? A friend of mine is going through it right now. She just started chemo and I am helping her figure out what she should eat. I when to a page at the American Cancer Society and thought this must be a joke. I absolutely cannot believe that the ACS recommends “protein” so often as well as other cancer causing processed foods.

    I learned about a guy named Chris Wark who cured himself with an Eat To Live like diet and I am sending his website to her. I doubt it will help though since the doctors whose jobs require that people get and keep cancer definitely know better than I do, and probably better than the guy who just ate right to cure his cancer and is doing fine after 9 years.

    Man, this cancer experience is really showing me how deep the rabbit hole goes. Ray helped me a few years ago, but I’ve been off and on because weight was more of a vanity issue in my addictive mind. Studying cancer treatments to help my friend has driven home the fact that the Calorie Rich And Processed (CRAP) food we eat isn’t just celebrating or enjoying a night out with friends. It’s a slow form of suicide from which a lot of people make a lot of money.

    Looking at it that way helps me to understand why ACS recommends lots of cancer causing stuff for people in treatment. I’m so thankful for those like Ray and Dr. Fuhrman who say, just eat the fruit and veggies that help your body lose weight as well as kill the cancer. Now that I understand the gravity of this is more than about fitting into old clothes, I can never go back. Just like CRAP, most cancer is optional.

  21. George Sanders says:

    Hi Ray,

    Just listened to your Rich Roll Podcast and found it fascinating. More so since I went through a similar transformation with food/lifestyle a few years ago following the Dr McDougall Program. I also just read your paper on the metabolic winter hypothesis, since I have a special interest in Metabolic Syndrome and its reversal as well.

    As my own personal experiment, you can see my results here:

    And my personal journal of how I did it. A day by day account covering a year of my experiment – everything I ate and did every day of that year…(yes long and boring, but maybe something useful can be gleened by others…):

    Look forward to your book and will pick up a copy!


    • admin says:


      I think we met you at one of the ASW. Appreciate you sharing this story. It’s amazing how quickly food can change someone.

      Thank you for posting!


      • George Sanders says:

        Thanks Ray,

        Actually we’ve never met (never been to an ASW or any other McDougall event.) I only first heard of you from the Rich Roll podcast which was truly excellent*. I appreciate your interesting perspectives on nutrition and WFPB as its been my main focus as well for many years now and i really enjoy the fact that you are a self experimenter (n=1) on your hypotheses.

        Sorry for cluttering up your blog, but is there any other way to contact you?

        *On second thought I went back to my old copy of the 4 hr body book and realized your in there as well.

  22. Tom Scholfield says:


    I’ve listened to 3 podcast you’ve been on in the 2 days, I’m so inspired.

    Just bought Eat to Live, thinking of starting with a couple day water fast. Do I need to do distilled water or is filtered tap ok?

    • admin says:

      Thank you! No, just eat and stick with it long enough to get over the normal transition hiccups.

      No real reason to fast if you don’t want to, but any water is fine. Not rocket science.

      Keep us posted.


  23. Sylvia Badr says:

    Hi Ray,

    Not sure this is the right place to comment, but here goes. You’ve mentioned before that exercise decreases fat oxidation, but I also read somewhere that does is only true in case you’re glycogen stores are not fully depleted. And then I came across this article:

    Do you think a ketogenic diet would positively affect fat oxidation during exercise, any experience with this?

    Thanks a bunch, love your blog! 🙂



    • admin says:

      Absolutely! There’s no other place for it to come from. That’s not the focus of the point I’m making. The real issue is rooted in why exercise is done in the first place. Superficially burning extra calories seems like a simple answer.

      The problem is exercise isn’t simple. The fact remains is exercise tears down tissue so that the tissue will grow back stronger – hypertrophy driven by hormesis. That necessarily requires more nutrition to support and guessing this isn’t trival. So we up the food and try to guess write, dragging out the fat loss process. Sounds moderate, balanced, metered, but in fact most people fail to get done before the attention span wears off and that sets them up for the yo-yo.

      And alternate approach is to simply get done quickly with the fat loss, up nutrition to a maximum level, and the hit the gym hard to improve the places that need improvement…Once done and move.

      Hope that helps!


      • orca quint says:

        The fact remains that* exercise tears…
        So we up the food and try to guess right*

    • admin says:

      Yes. If one depletes glycogen stores it absolutely will come from fat, but remember that blood glucose doesn’t got to zero and that then not only puts a huge load on the liver for gluconeogenesis, but also on the renal system disposing of all the urea from amino acid metabolism.

      Finally all that extra amino acid might signal go go grow in that longevity experiments in a wide variety of animal models have all demonstrated its restriction of the essential amino acids that increase longevity (but decrease fecundity).

      It’s a really hard way to burn fat in my opinion and there are many potential downsides. One is signaling the body through activity and eating with go go grow and using fat stores is a function, biologically speaking, of scarcity and conservation. The clients I work with lose weight rapidly, establish maintenance level eating and only then add exercise back along win requisite increase in food to support it.

      It doesn’t make sense to me one would want to tear down tissue such that it can grow back stronger (hormesis driven hypertrophy) at the same time they are trying to restrict to create a deficit (scarcity).

      Exercise is not the opposite of sedentary. Active is. One can be minimally active and lose weight rapidly. Who wants that phase to stretch out forever? Get it done and then get in the gym with proper fueling. Otherwise it’s a balancing act few master – witness all the overweight triathletes, body builders, runners and marathoners. No disrespect intended, I just think they’ve all he lead to believe that move more is the answer. I don’t think it’s even part of the problem. Gaining muscle mass and losing adipose tissue aren’t even the same physiology.



    • orca quint says:

      “that does is only true”?
      “you’re (you are) glycogen stores”?
      Have a Tootsie Roll and lift the fog, Sylvia.

  24. anthony geluz says:

    Hi Ray,
    who is the manufacturer of your calorimeter?
    very cool device. i’m more envious of it than somebody’s sports car.



  25. Glenn Hutchinson says:

    Hi Ray,

    I have been following ETL’s 6 week plan for the last 9 weeks. I have had very good success with weight-loss. I am 36, 6’1” and started out at ~240lbs. I am down to ~200 lbs. I want to get to 180 (or less). For the first 6 weeks I stuck pretty close to the guidelines of the ETL 6 week plan and I was eating twice a day. For weeks 6-9 I have dropped lunch and just eat once a day in the evening. I am eating about 500 calories of food in the form of 1.5 lbs of steamed greens (mostly collars and kale), cooked onions, mushrooms and peppers, beats and a cup of beans. This surprisingly is not that hard to follow and I plan to do this for another 3 weeks or so. I am not exercising and feel good. My only symptom seems to be getting light headed when going from laying down to standing. I have read that Dr Fuhrman says this can occur during fasting due to blood pressure changes.

    My questions are, is it okay to do this extra restricted diet. Does it help or hurt my weight-loss. For weeks 1-8 I was seeing numbers in the 5lbs per week, this last week I have only seen ~3 lbs. Any thoughts there? I’m happy to add more food. My goal is to get as much weight off quickly and then return to a more active lifestyle with the maintenance ETL diet.

    Other random data. I monitor my blood pressure and I started in the 140/90 range. I am now below 120/80. I also have some keto sticks and see that I register very small amounts of ketones.

    I have a Withings scale and track my weight via IFTTT. I already owned the scale and randomly I clicked on a Withings advertisement email they sent me about Penn. This opened the door to all of the work you have done with Penn, along with the work of Dr Fuhrman, Goldhammer, and Lisle. Never before have I seen a more cohesive view of nutrition, biology and evolution. I am really looking forward to all your followup work which you have been teasing the last few years. When is that next paper and your book coming out?

    Thank you!!

    • admin says:

      Thanks Glenn

      How much food you need depends a lot on activity. You might want to up your whole food starch (tend towards beans and squash and not potatoes and rice) so that you stay out of ketosis. Walking the line and going in and out doesn’t feel the best – all in or all out is a better choice in my opinion.

      Orthostatic hypotension is very common on VLCDs and so you should be careful and coordinate with your physician. Most see amazing improvements on BP. Mine remained at 110/64 until I blew it with culinary school. Don’t worry so much about the calories, but when you DO eat, eat nutrient dense. On our Food Triangle that will be up and to the right.

      It’s not that hard, but it might seem socially extreme for a while. It’s so exciting to see the people respond. We have a new paper in review and I launched moments before this response the follow up crowd source Fund Anything – Campaign for those that missed the Kickstarter.

      Thanks keep me posted!


      • Glenn Hutchinson says:

        Ray, thanks for the feedback. I will add a cup of beans to the nightly feast.

        When I get done with my 12 weeks I want to reintroduce beer, but still keep on loosing weight. Is this going to be really painful? Should I just stick out the strict form of the diet longer. How long would you typically recommend someone keep the diet strict before transitioning to maintenance? I assume once I get closer to ideal weight that I will want to bring food consumption up.

        Also, just pledged for a signed copy!

    • orca quint says:

      Losing* weight, Glen. Not “loosing”.
      Lots of loosers posting on this blog.
      Yeah, starting drinking beer after 12 weeks. That’s where you want to focus.

  26. Trygve Lunde says:

    Great article
    I was wondering do you think there is any amount of protein one needs when loosing fat. Like for a guy that wants to maintain muscle mass and maybe even gain some because he does resistance training, but mostly maintain. Total fasting can be hard, and also just eating after a long period can make people eat alot more. So yeah how little nutrition or calories can you get away with and then esp protein when trying to loose as much fat as possible and maintain muscle mass.

    • admin says:

      Read the blog – I think you’re short changing yourself by using the word protein. It doesn’t mean what you think – and though I can’t read your mind, the question says enough.

      Stop worrying about muscle mass. I didn’t lose much even 24 days of water only. You don’t need to fast to lose fat – you need to be in metabolic winter (cool, dark, still and scarce). Your body knows more about to do that the smartest trainer or coach either one of us knows. The problem is winter never comes. We stay in metabolic summer (warm, bright, active and abundant). Nutrition isn’t an emergency.

      Don’t mix hypertrophy and fat loss. They aren’t even the same physiology. It’s not that you can’t do it, but why make it so difficult.

      Relax, lose fat, and then hit it hard.



  27. Erwin Perez says:

    Hello Ray!

    I had read all your post and the Metabolic Winter Hypothesis, waiting for your next papers and the book. About the new campaign, I saw it is for 90 days… That’s a really long wait lol!!!!

    I have being in a 90% vegan diet (some slices of pizza every week) since 2014. After reading your posts, I bought the book Super Immunity of Dr. Fuhrman. Now I’m eating basically G-BOMBS plus rice and potato because I don’t want to lose more weight, but I reduced 2.5% of BF in the last month, now I’m around 14.5%. I’m doing High intensity interval training (20 minutes) 3 times a week, and contrast shower, I want to know what do you recommend for increasing about 5-10 pounds of muscles and eating a nutrient dense diet. I’m 35 yo, 5’10”, 150 lb.

    Thanks for all your work, Ray, I really appreciate every word that you put here.


  28. Henry Reed says:

    Just listened to your podcast with Rhonda. Any updates, sir?

  29. Karen Carnevale says:

    Hi Ray,

    I just watched your interview with Rhoda Patrick. Very intrigued for two reasons…I am a 46 year old woman and I practice intermittent fasting (6 hour meal time) and also have been a cold water open water swimmer in RI for about 7 years (swam competitively as a young person then started swimming open water after having my children and reading Lynn Cox “Swimming to Antartica”. Of course hers is definitely an example of extreme cold, but as a physical therapist, I was so intrigued by the physiology!! My question for you : Have you been able to collect any data on females?

    Would love to hear if so- Kindly Karen Carnevale

    • admin says:

      Most of my clients have been females. All of them thought they were metabolically broken (some even medicated as such). None of them were. None had a slow metabolism and most surprising of the ones that were medicated for such, none ever had a physician measure metabolism before treating.

      As for goals, like I tell everyone, when trying to lose, back off on the activity. It’s not necessary and it very much complicates the problem. As you will read elsewhere here, drop the terms “protein, carb and fat” from your language. You don’t need those words. We aren’t suffering from oil (plant or animal) deficiency either. Ditto for sugars and flours (see how much clarity there is if one doesn’t say fat or “carb”). Whole food starches aren’t likely your problem. Chicken, cheese and eggs are the top three things to drop during any transformation.

      Thanks for checking in!


  30. Frank Steffen says:

    Hi Ray,

    I listened to your conversation with Rich on the RRP and I got very inspired. I’m a vegan endurance athlete and a partner in a vegetarian restaurant, so nutrition is one of my passions. After listening to you I now feel confident to eat less, which will have a profound impact on my mental state and physical health, so thank you very much.

    I also have two questions:

    1. I conduct a 4 week plant based challenge with a small group of people and I wonder if a day (or more) of fasting would be beneficial for us to break in the new way of eating? We will all exercise during the challenge.
    2. I’m also looking for a new group executive chef for our restaurants here in Shanghai. I have a lot more info on that, but first wanted to ask if you knew of vegetarian chefs who might be interested in a China adventure.

    Thanks again-

  31. Blimpy grimps says:

    Hey Ray,

    I didn’t realize that you were still replying to comments here, even somewhat recently! I’m austinofdoom on twitter. 🙂

    I’ve lost +50lbs now because of you. I found you via Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s Youtube and have been kinda obsessed with your work on diet/nutrition/cold ever since. I’ve got my dad (a chronic Dukan-er) onto ETL and he’s losing now, though slower. Nuts were a kind of compromise. Still losing, just rate slowed. Only 15lb so far in a handful of weeks BUT he’s loving it, getting healthy and losing and that’s key 🙂

    I’ve since been obsessed with health and diet. I feel like I’ve run out of books to read on diet, nutrition,metabolism etc. but I can’t get enough and don’t know where to go next. I’ve become so desperate as to think about reading the ketogenic diet just to see what staunch meat lovers are saying to themselves. But I was wondering, could you point me in a direction that would be fruitful/interesting for me along the diet, nutrition, metabolism track ?

    I’ve done ETL, End of dieting, how not to die and the starch solution. I know I could go and do more of the rest of the WFPB team, but I’m starting to feel like I’m reading the same (good!) thing over and over…

    Basically, your book ain’t out yet and I’m dying of knowledge starvation. (That’s a thing, right?) I’m a FundAnything supporter since I just missed the Kickstarter. Man, I wish I could read your updates there!

    So yeah, if you have a moment, even a list of names would be great!

    Thank you so much for this incredible life change.


    • admin says:

      Hey Austin!

      Thanks. Most of the updates on Kickstarter were fulfillment centered. I’m swamped with a paper that’s in review and finally writing some chapters I put off (they are lots of fun!) it was the swallow the frog first and I’m sure glad that damn thing is down.

      The rest is actually work, but very enjoyable. I’ll put some more updates together for everyone.

      Might even write a blog. It’s that time of the year. >grin< Thanks to everyone for the patience and support!!! I'm very grateful. Ray

  32. Will Gentile says:

    I keep seeing the Biologic Winter Hypothesis everywhere. Reading “Undaunted Courage” by Stephen Ambrose on the Lewis & Clark expedition. Keep noticing little things that support the Biological Winter hypothesis. Native Americans more cold adapted in the Dakota winter. Dietary differences like Clark complaining that native diet did not fill him up (deer and elk meat was too lean). These were rugged frontiersman, not exactly modern men. Can’t wait to read the book!

    • admin says:

      Metabolic winter hypothesis. 🙂

      Must be awful to live somewhere that has no plants to eat. We can eat many things to survive. Question is how to get statistically more people to thrive.


  33. Bob Meindl says:

    Hi Ray – just read Penn’s book and it piqued my interest enough to read through all your blog posts over the past few days. Much of what you say makes intuitive sense to me and I’d like to take things to a more practical level. I also have a lot of respect for the work you’ve done to learn, develop theories and validate them.

    After reading the book and the blog posts I realized that there’s just not enough practical information to know how to safely change my eating habits. As I’ve read the blogs you’ve posted over the years, it’s clear that you’ve been promising more detail and, given all the people you’ve helped, you must have a system in place to do this.

    With all due respect, I’d like to ask a direct question. When are you going to pull the trigger on more specific guidance on how to make the theory real for the rest of us? Next month? Six months? I’d like to get started but short of eating potatoes for two weeks, followed by corn, I’m not sure where to go next.

    • orca quint says:

      You said you read Presto. Just eat what Penn ate in the book after the corn and potatoes.
      Have a big bowl of berries, cayenne, Tabasco & cocoa and stop looking for attention, ya baby.

  34. Adam James says:

    I have a question about the Withings scale. I read Penn’s book, went out and bought the same scale so I could monitor my losses. I’m only on the beginning of day 3 and have already lost 8 lbs (3.5 each day). This excites me very much! I am incredibly satiated and doing fine with no cravings (other than social). But I have one BIG problem! In the numbers that my Withings records, it shows that I am losing mostly muscle and my fat % is going up! Specifically: I started at 323lbs/BMI 42.6/Fat 40.1%/ Muscle 57%/Water 44.8%. Now after 2 full days my numbers look worse: 315.7lbs/BMI 41.7/Fat 46%/Muscle 51.3%/Water 43.3%. Am I panicking? Or just letting old notions of protein based diets ruin my mindset? Appreciate your time and advice!

  35. Julie Germano says:

    For those of us who found you after reading Presto & after the Kickstarter ended, when/where will your book be available?

    Also, in one your posts you mentioned something about impact of light in combination with thermal loading. As someone who works nights and often goes several days without seeing the sun (yay! PNW overcast!) are there some adjustments that I would need to consider or is there no significant impact of limited exposure to natural daylight.


  36. Kevin Bowe says:


    Just joined the site but started following what was in the book Presto a couple weeks ago. So far 20lbs down in just over 2 weeks. The Presto book is great but isn’t the complete story of how you helped Penn loose all the weight. What’s the latest on your book? Cannot wait to read it.


    • orca quint says:

      Does fasting add O’s to words or is it the potatoes?
      3 other posters also spelled lose “loose”.
      Is it the same person posting pretending to be different people?

  37. steve kracow says:

    Hi Ray,
    I am reading Penn’s book so i am just starting to dig into everything you are doing.
    i am 50lbs overweight and on the brink of needing to take bp meds. My bp is high now but i am giving myself 6 months to loose weight and bring my bp down. I have a baby on the way and need to make sure i am around for a while. I am excited to give your plan a shot. I have been reading some of your articles but where can i find specifics on your plan and program? my doctor doesnt seem to be on board with your ideas(not suprising)

    • admin says:


      Buy end of heat disease. Follow it. Your BP will be normalized very quickly. Do it halfway, modify it, go off on whims, it likey won’t change.

      Your physician is likely doing the right thing. He/she rarely sees anyone make permanent lifestyle changes (this has nothing to do with potatoes). He, like nearly 70% of med school grads aren’t even required to take nutrition. Of the ones that do, it’s ~ 18 hour practicum.

      Medical professionals do what they can with standard patient care and see patients that decide some arbitrary acquired appetite for food that leads to chronic disease is the only option.

      Stick to end of heart disease – no deviations. NONE for 6 months – and I bet you’ll be surprised and your physician relieved. Do some haphazard version of it and bets are off.

      You can do it. The question is will you? Penn was ready to make a change and his medical team was behind us all the way.

      Good luck.


      • steve says:

        Thanks ray! I bought that book. I would like to implement cold stress and some of your ideas also but I want to make sure I do it correctly. What is the best way to get that info. I really want to try the 2 week potato fast too.
        I am 35 yrs old.

    • orca quint says:

      Lose* weight, Ivan Putski. Don’t loose it.
      You people should put down the diet books and your forks and pick up a dictionary.

  38. J D says:


    I am new to the blog and I am really interested. Is your book, “Our Broken Plate” available anywhere currently? I just picked up Penn’s book, “Presto!”. Thank you.

    J D

  39. Igor Bukanov says:

    Hi Ray,

    In the book “Starch solution” Doctor John A. McDougall mentioned that compared with pigs humans were very enneficient at converting carbohydrates into fat. He cited a figures like 10-30% of energy loss during the converssion. Moreover, he mentioned some studies that indicated that converssion began in a substantial way only when one consumed like 4000-5000 of kcal/day in almost pure sugars or starches. The claim essentially that body converts excessive carbohydrates including simple sugars into heat rather than store them as fat. Have you observed anything like that in your experiments?

    • admin says:

      Look at our latest paper ( and you’ll find many more references about this. Yes, we don’t have the ability for significant de novo lipogenesis outside of the limited amount that happens intracellular (e.g. hepatic steatosis). De novo lipogenesis that adds to the enrichment of adipose tissue is insignificant in humans.


  40. Brian Kowalis says:

    Ray, I don’t see current updates here. I got as much information as I could, read Penn Jillette’s book, “Presto” and currently reading Joel Fuhrman’s “Eat to Live.” I started the potato diet on 9/7/2017. I’m still following it with contrast showers, cooler bedroom when I sleep. I’m looking for more information. Am I missing something on your website? Let me know about your book and how I can read it. Thanks for any help.

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